Regal Hotels International

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Project Development
Your Partner in Hospitality Management
Regal Hotels International’s extensive expertise and long-standing experience in hospitality management with a focus in Hong Kong and China makes us your preferred partner for operating hotels of all kinds, including airport hotels, resort hotels, business hotels and leisure hotels.
Our professional services include project development services, such as technical and pre-opening services, as well as comprehensive hotel management services and operations, such as engineering, operations, sales and marketing, financial, procurement and human resources consultancy services.
We aim to identify potential hotel projects for acquisition and management, and our development mission is to build strong relationships with consultants, hotel owners and investors, tourist bureaus, local government officials as well as members of the media. In addition to providing tailor-made options for hotel owners, we also focus on opportunities for hotel property acquisitions, management contracts and manpower networking in Asia, particularly in China.
The Business Development Team is delighted to offer you professional management consultant services that enable the commencement of a world-class hotel operation within a short period of time.
For further discussion on possible partnership in the form of technical and pre-opening services, management services, equity participation or ownership, you are cordially invited to contact our development team.
To further strengthen our business network and resources in China, Regal Hotels International has set up the China Regional Office in Shanghai.
Hugh Xu
National Business Director – China | Regal Hotels International
Tel: (86) 139 1090 6758